Dr. Vikram Shah Batra is a senior Urologist and Uro Oncologist practicing at Manipal Hospital Dwarka, New Delhi. He is one of the best urologists in New Delhi. He specializes in Uro Oncology or the treatment of cancers of the genitourinary system and Reconstructive Urology. If you are looking for the Best Prostate Cancer Surgeon in New Delhi Dr. Vikram Shah Batra is always there for you to help you out. He is a very patient doctor and skillful surgeon with many accolades and is one of the best urethroplasty surgeons in New Delhi. He has treated many patients with complex cancers of the kidney and prostate using robots and is one of the best robotic surgeons in New Delhi. He has presented many papers and published them widely
Address – Room No A2, First Floor OPD, Block-A, Max Superspeciality Hospital, Sector 610, Dwarka, New Delhi, Delhi, 110075
Call Us – 09953811069